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Rust 和 solana 训练营

Rust Bootcamp

Duration: 1 month | Pricing: $1,300

Rust 连续七年被评为最受欢迎的语言Stackoverflow 的开发者调查。您将在这个 Rust 编程训练营中了解原因!


此 Rust 编码训练营是学习的先决条件;索拉纳,但是 NEAR、MultiverseX(以前的 Elrond)、Comos 的 SDK、Polkadot 的 Substrate 和 Zcash 的 Halo2 也都依赖于 Rust。

Rust 也是一门庞大的语言,可能让人不知所措。本课程重点关注区块链程序和智能合约中最常用的方面。


此 Rust 训练营是以下先决条件Solana 训练营

本课程是实践与理论的理想结合。我们将阅读解释 Rust 如何构建的文本,并通过大量实践练习来了解其实际情况。

Start learning now

我们的教程非常棒,不到 8 分钟的视频,您就可以解决 Leetcode 问题。

请观看下面的 60 秒 Rust 播放列表。然后填写您的电子邮件以获取练习题。


Rust Programming in 60 seconds

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第 2 周


当涉及到向量、切片、迭代器、指针、自有类型以及类似的东西时,Rust 可能会让人感到困惑。我们将做一系列练习来加强对这些概念的理解。



我们将继续强化上周学到的知识,但使用更高级的数据结构,例如 B 树(Solana 的先决条件!)和堆。

第 4 周


本周我们将学习数据序列化和单元测试,以及构建 Rust 项目。

What happens next?

本课程的目的是成为以下课程的先决条件Solana 训练营

How We Design the Rust Bootcamp Curriculum


We are very intentional about how we design our curriculum. We don’t just survey topics or give you random problems.

Gentle Ramp Up: Familiar Foundations

We spend the first week doing things that you will already feel comfortable with like for loops, if statements, very basic data structures, and types are are already familiar with.


Unlike other curriculums, we expect you to be familiar with these concepts and don't waste time explaining them to you -- you dive right in to coding Rust where we know you can succeed!


You will encounter a few strange but manageable concepts like mutability and read only references, but they are easy to understand and practice.


We are careful to avoid problems that require you to fight Rust’s infamous borrow checker at this stage.

The important thing is for you to start off with a feeling of "I can do this!"

Unfamiliar Foundations

As scary as the borrow checker is to some, it’s quite straightforward. Function arguments behave like black holes.


Once you pass something in, it’s gone.


Nothing enforced understanding this better than reimplementing some of the popular sorting algorithms, where you are forced to pass data around.

Topics that make Rust unique

Strings can be surprisingly confusing to use in Rust at first, so we explore that next. That way you will be build an intuition about how Rust seemingly alters data types and ownership depending on how you use it.

At this stage, you’ve developed a good intuition for the language, so we can introduce concepts like structs and Implementations, and this will enable us to build the familiar classic data structures. We chose to focus on building data structures instead of applications because

  • there is a lot of material online to explain them

  • you can easily find reference implementations in other languages

  • it’s good interview preparation.

Finally, since this course is a preparation for programming Solana, we will directly study the parts that ecosystem uses a lot, such as serialization and testing.

One unfamiliar topic at a time

We try very hard to make sure you are only dealing with one unfamiliar concept at a time. The progression of topics and exercises matters!

As you can see, we invest hundreds of hours into making our curriculum an amazing experience. But we also test it on engineers and refine it as we get feedback from participants.

The primary course author is a two time bestseller on Udemy with an average rating of 4.7 stars. Teaching is an art and a science we are excellent at.

Signature Human Touch

But the best part of our Rust bootcamp is our signature small class sizes and weekly one-on-one meeting with you instructor.

Not only will you save time in searching for answers to clarify concepts, you’ll be motivated to work harder when you are surrounded by energetic peers who are pushing themselves to learn fast.

RareSkills is more than a curriculum or a class.


It’s an engineering fellowship for efficient success.

我们的 Rust 训练营


  • We expect you to do well on our coding entrance exam.

  • Blockchain experience is desirable, but not required.

Rust Resources For Rust Programming From RareSkills



本课程的格式与任何其他 RareSkills 相同区块链训练营




哪些语言与 Rust 类似?

移动 语言(使用者阿普托斯)深受 Rust 启发,狮子座 (由阿莱奥), 和摇摆 (由燃料)。如果您已经了解 Rust,那么您学习其他语言的速度会快得多。

我可以在不参加课程的情况下参加这门课程吗?Solana 训练营

Yes, but students who intend to take the Solana course will get priority.

学习完本课程后我可以成为一名普通 Rust 程序员吗?

本课程的目的是帮助您为区块链编程做好准备,特别是 Solana。


我们故意省略并发和使用 Rust 构建 Web 应用程序等主题,因为它与创建Solana 计划。如果你想成为区块链应用之外的通用 Rust 程序员,你将需要超过 4 周的学习和实践。然而,这是一个很好的起点!

我真的需要学习 Rust 吗?我不能直接从 stackoverflow 复制粘贴吗?

当然可以,但我们认为这不是最有效的方法。语法的某些部分需要明确的学习,否则你将不知道你在看什么。 Rust 的词汇量也比其他编程语言广泛得多,因此根据您的背景,您不一定知道要开始搜索什么。

Can't I learn Rust for free on YouTube?

Of course you can. Check out our Youtube playlist at the bottom of the page!

Getting good at Rust doesn't come from reading great books or watching great videos however. It comes from forcing yourself to sit down and actually spend most of your time practicing. This Rust bootcamp is your ticket to avoid tutorial hell.


It's much easier to stay disciplined on a study plan when it is well designed and you are doing it with other students and with an instructor.


Of course do all the practice problems on your own. We believe you can complete the practice faster if you do it with us. It will also be more fun! Engineers really enjoy studying here.

Will learning Rust make me a better programmer?

绝对地。学习任何新的编程语言都会教给你有价值的概念,对于 Rust 来说尤其如此。 Rust 长期保持最受欢迎语言的地位是有原因的!


许多开发人员发现他们在其他语言中的坏习惯,因为 Rust 暴露了它们并迫使您在代码编译之前修复它们。有一些工程师在将代码库转换为 Rust 时发现代码库中的错误的轶事,并且编译器显示了事情可能会恶化的情况。

How much work will this take?

这取决于您以前的编码经验。如果您广泛使用 C++,这将非常容易。如果您只使用过 Javascript 和 Python 等动态编程语言,那么这将是相当具有挑战性的。

我是雇主或 web3 公司。我想让我的工程师学习 Rust,这是一个好程序吗?


您将获得的主要好处是能够更好地判断哪个区块链适合您正在构建的应用程序,并且能够在多个区块链上构建相同的应用程序。请记住,本课程旨在帮助学生做好参加我们的课程的准备Solana 训练营。本课程的目的是为了构建区块链应用程序而学习 Rust。联系我们 如果您对此感兴趣!

Besides coding smart contract, what else is Rust programming used for in blockchain?

Rust 是区块链客户端的一种流行语言。这里有些例子:

此外,网络组装作为区块链越来越受欢迎,甚至以太坊也在考虑WASM 组装环境 将来。 Rust 编程是一种非常流行的针对 Web 汇编的高级语言。


1,200 美元如果使用加密货币支付,可享受 2% 的折扣。

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