The Web3 Engineer Graduate School
Where Blockchain Engineers
at Top Companies Study
Top engineers come to RareSkills to cover their knowledge gaps
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22nd October 2024
12:00PM EDT
22 weeks
18-24 hours per week
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31st October 2024
10:00AM EDT
11 weeks
5-10 hours per week
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22nd October 2024
12:00PM EDT
22 weeks
18-24 hours per week
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31st October 2024
10:00AM EDT
11 weeks
5-10 hours per week
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Education is not just for beginners

Whether you are looking for free resources or access to top instructors, RareSkills is here to help. Unlike other education platforms aimed at helping engineers enter blockchain, we enable engineers already in the ecosystem to excel.

Small Classes, Big Impact

We limit our classes to a maximum of 5 students, ensuring that each learner gets personalized attention and optimal learning conditions.

One-on-One Mentorship

We offer one-on-one mentorship and code reviews to quickly address questions and highlight potential mistakes, ensuring that you're on the right track.

Advanced & Rigorous Curriculum

Our curriculum offers over 46 weeks of Ethereum development training. It's up-to-date, advanced, and structured, providing the most comprehensive course in Solidity.

We write the tutorials
the experts read

Read and judge for yourself. We are the industry leader for comprehensive and expert-level learning resources — and we don’t even ask for your email.


The following kinds of students have joined RareSkills:


Protocol Lead

Rahul Saxena

Senior Blockchain Developer

Bernhard Mueller

Smart Contract Auditor


Web3 Security Auditor

Adam Boudjemaa

Blockchain Technical Lead

Vladimir Trifonov

Blockchain Engineer

Tom Harper

Smart Contract Engineer

Amal Sudama

Blockchain Tools Developer

Suthan Somadeva

Blockchain Engineer

Adeel Hasan

Blockchain Engineer

Taras Shchybovyk

Blockchain Engineer

Sergey Tsvetkov

Solidity Developer

Eduard Pershyn

Blockchain Engineer

Carlos Calderon

Blockchain Engineer

Jordan Mcckiney

Blockchain Engineer

Iryna Hubernska

Blockchain Engineer

Patrick Zimmerer

Blockchain Engineer

Emil Guseynov

Blockchain Engineer

Fouad Hannoun

Blockchain Engineer

Himad Moutar

Blockchain Engineer


Blockchain Engineer

Cyan Pascual

Solidity Developer

Josh Robar

Blockchain Engineer

Ready to Learn with Our
Legendary Instructors ?

Jeffrey Scholz

Founder | Lead Instructor

Jeffrey is the instructor of the only two expert-level Ethereum development courses on Udemy, both of which are bestsellers. His blog on Ethereum development has significantly influenced major projects in the web3 space.

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Head of Security

Goncalo Magalhäes (gmhacker) is an aerospace engineer working as a smart contract security researcher. He's now the Head of Security at Immunefi.

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Instructor | Associate Security Researcher

Shung is a Smart Contract Auditor at Kebasec and an Associate Security Researcher at Spearbit, renowned for his expertise in blockchain security. He has previous experience as a protocol developer at Pangolin.

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Jesper Kristensen

Instructor | Co-Author Automated Market Makers

Jesper Kristensen is a Web3 builder and entrepreneur with a Ph.D. and MS. in Applied and Engineering Physics and Computer Science from Cornell University. Founder of the Panoptic protocol.

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Security Researcher

Madigan (Zigtur) is ranked #2 on the all time earnings leaderboard (with over 165k earned) at Cantina, a competitive smart contract auditing platform by Spearbit. Previously, he was a smart contract auditor and web2 security engineer at Quarkslab. He is an alumni of RareSkills.

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Instructor | Security Researcher

Philippe Dumonet is an experienced smart contract developer and auditor with over three years of experience. He has worked for various companies and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).

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Rated the Best

Success Stories from Our Alumni

Our students, from Web3 technical founders to lead solidity developers, have seen tremendous success after completing our bootcamps. With over 8 figures of funding collectively raised by our alumni for their technical web3 startups, their achievements stand testament to the quality of our programs.

"It's like well structured it covers all necessary topics."
Not my first attempt to dig into ZK thing but with RareSkills. It was my first successful attempt. The rest of the things like old materials that they have on YouTube have marks and signs. Of course they didn't provide me more programmers experience, I'd say. So it was more like math related rather than programming related. In RareSkills. It's both sides. You have no math to the programming, which is great, because I am a programmer, I'm a software engineer for many years. Definitely can recommend to do all homework as fast as you can. Otherwise it's way too hard to catch up with the course. Although it's like well structured it covers all necessary topics. So for me it was great. asd
Evgenii Danilenko

Evgenii Danilenko

Core Developer
"I joined the RareSkills Zero Knowledge Bootcamp to delve deeper into cryptography, specifically to use zero-knowledge proofs to verify computation."
Overall, my experience with RareSkills was really great. I thought the material was paced very well. I really enjoyed that we had the pre-course material to ensure everyone was on the same page when they started. I found Jeff to be a knowledgeable teacher and always willing to answer students' questions, including my own. I also really liked the opportunities to help each other out via the Slack channel. The entire Slack experience was really nice as well.So, yeah, I would definitely recommend it to anyone. Honestly, it exceeded my expectations. I felt there would be a lot less live content and opportunity for interactive learning than there was, so I was pleasantly surprised by that.RareSkills Bootcamp impacted my career in two main ways. First and foremost, during my day job, it makes me a lot more confident in discussing these types of topics. There are a number of ZKP use cases, especially in Layer 2 networks in Ethereum. So, working in web3 infrastructure, it’s definitely valuable in every regard.And then, the second piece of that is that it’s helped me explore other cryptography topics, get deeper on zero-knowledge proofs, and even things outside of that, by enhancing my ability to read academic papers and things like that. This hopefully will eventually culminate in me founding my own company, as this was actually partly another impetus for me joining this, as I’m looking at applications of cryptography to certain other industries.To someone considering joining it, I would say just go for it. Zero-knowledge proofs are such a nascent thing that it’s going to be really hard to cobble together your own learnings from blog posts and things like that. I mean, even the excellent ones provided in RareSkills' ZKP book, it’s going to be really helpful for you to have Jeff walk you through it, to be able to talk to your classmates. It just helps it stick and it really helps give you the confidence in your experience, whereas doing it yourself maybe you have some doubts, no one else has looked at your work, that type of thing. It’s definitely a good way to learn with confidence.
Josh Quintel

Josh Quintel

Lead Product Manager, Infura MetaRPC
"5 months ago i decided to specialize in web3. To do it i joined the Rareskills solidity bootcamp."
Learning at RareSkills was an awesome experience. Jeffrey is the instructor I learned from, has a really deep knowledge of web3 technologies like solidity or zero knowledge proofs. One-on-one reviews with him were really helpful. More-over i’ve met amazing classmates, they always did their best to help me and were really kind.Next week i will start my new job as a web3 security auditor. Learning solidity and solidity security at RareSkills helped me to obtain this work for sure.


Web3 Security Auditor
"It's awesome to know how things work under the hood and Rareskills helped me achieve that."
I joined a web3 company about a year ago and had to write some Solidity contracts as part of the job. I quickly realised how important it is to really understand how the EVM and Solidity works if you wanted to deploy real production grade contracts for users. I wanted a structured learning program which went really deep into the weeds and found Rareskills!The course really exceeded my expectations. Each module pointed you to great resources you should learn from + had difficult assignment questions you could only solve if you understood the resources really well. Each week also had a call with the instructor and all the others in your class which was super fun. I really enjoyed discussing what I learnt and clarifying my questions with all the other students. The weekly 1-1 calls with the instructor was great too! Your code gets properly reviewed.It's awesome to know how things work under the hood and Rareskills helped me achieve that. I can notice security issues, understand audit reports, write and debug yul, think of gas optimisation and a lot more quite easily. The confidence of knowing things a lot deeper like this is quite nice.Be prepared to put in a significant amount of work and time into the course though. The modules are not easy. But thats what makes it fun!
Harikrishnan Shaji

Harikrishnan Shaji

Blockchain Developer
"I would highly recommend this course for any one who wants to foray in to the domain of zero knowledge"
Hi I joined ZK bootcamp and was really insightful to clear out various key concepts associated with zero knowledge at a fundamental level and i would highly recommend this course for any one who wants to foray in to the domain of zero knowledge.Overall learning was pin pointed. In classroom learning was to focused and jeff would come back to core points if we did mistakes. On Community note its simply vibrantIt helped me understand zk and zk associated cryptography in depth. It surely sharpened my skills in domains and help me understand zk related security issues also in depth. Yes its a must for those entering zk
Harsh Patel

Harsh Patel

Head of Security
"Rareskills Bootcamp taught me the skills to implement a crypto research paper in Python. For me, that was the most exciting part and the real nugget that I came away with. "
Hey, I’m Sam. I just finished the RareSkills ZK Bootcamp, and it's not only about a Groth16 proof system from start to finish, but it really taught me the skills and a bit of experience to implement a crypto research paper in Python. For me, that was the most exciting part, and the real nugget that I came away with. The cohorts as well, such a high caliber, the people, their experience, and just the motivation behind everyone in the course, brings me up higher and I think everyone else up as well. It’s very exciting, and I can’t recommend it enough. Thanks!
Sam Polgar

Sam Polgar

Cryptography Researcher & Engineer
"Overall, I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to take their skills to the next level."
I recently completed the Advanced Solidity program, and I wanted to share my thoughts on the program with you. To begin with, I must say that I was thoroughly impressed with the program. Despite having five years of experience in Blockchain, I learned a great deal from it. The program covered a range of topics, including EVM bytecode, security, testing, mutation, assembly, and optimization, to name a few. What I particularly loved about the program was its emphasis on real-world applications. We identified and addressed security issues that could potentially occur in smart contracts, making the program all the more practical and relevant. Overall, I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to take their skills to the next level. The team behind it is incredibly knowledgeable, and they have a great way of making learning fun and engaging. Thank you for equipping me with the necessary skills, and I look forward to applying what I've learned in my future endeavors.
Adam Boudjemaa

Adam Boudjemaa

Blockchain Technical Lead | Co-Authored ERC-3643 Standard
"I joined the bootcamp because i wanted to extend my Solidity knowledge and I couldn’t find a suitable advanced content elsewhere."
I have joined the web3 a couple of years ago. I joined the bootcamp because I wanted to extend my Solidity knowledge and I couldn’t find a suitable advanced content elsewhere.My learning experience was great and I think that the materials exceeded my expectations. Because I learnt a lot about solidity which I didn’t know it exists. I prefer the content like this, like in notion, not just some videos to watch over and over again. The sessions with my mentor also , he was very skilled and he helped me a lot.It was a positive impact. I already used the knowledge from the Solidity bootcamp, I even will participate in the ZK Bootcamp next. So those advanced solidity knowledge were very very helpful. I find the course page, I read it and I like realized that that’s what I need exactly in that moment of my career.
Vladimir Trifonov

Vladimir Trifonov

Blockchain Developer