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Intro to Web3 Development

Dapp Bootcamp

If you are looking to enter Web3 for the first time, this is the Dapp Bootcamp to take.
This is an eight-week introduction to decentralized app (Dapp) development on Ethereum.

Next Cohort: TBC

Dapp Bootcamp Curriculum

8 Weeks

Last Updated: December 2023

Week 1: How Blockchain Works

There is no better way to learn how blockchains work than to build a simple one yourself!

You will build a minimal viable blockchain in your favorite language to get an intuition of how they store and preserve data.

Week 2: Solidity Exercises with Foundry

You will learn Solidity in bite-sized pieces to pass progressively harder tests with a custom repository we have made. You'll learn how to use the most modern development framework (foundry). You'll learn the different kinds of functions Solidity has, how to transfer Ethereum.

Week 3: Introduction to unit tests with Foundry

The nice thing about foundry is that the unit tests are written in Solidity also.

You'll further improve your understanding of the language by writing tests for simple apps.

Week 4-5: Deploying Smart Contracts and Coding Frontend Apps

You'll finally deploy your first smart contract to the mainnet and interact with it through Etherscan. You'll also build websites to interact with smart contracts directly.

Week 6: Basic Token Sales with ERC20 and ERC721. RPC APIs

You will build the classic websites for minting NFTs and selling ERC20 tokens for Ether.

Week 7: Blockchain Node APIs

You'll learn how to interact with blockchains at a higher level by using 3rd party service providers that aggregate information in useful ways. This will help you avoid re-inventing the wheel in a lot of common usecases.

Week 8: Capstone Project

Take what you've learned and build what excites you!

The RareSkills Advantage:
Quality, Efficiency, and Support

Cohort of 5 - 10

Experience a close-knit learning environment.

Weekly Live Classes

Interactive classes are more effective than watching videos.

1:1 Code Reviews

Identify and address knowledge gaps while improving your coding skills.


Although this is an introduction to Web3, it is not an introduction to coding

You should be able to create a basic frontend website in JavaScript, especially React JS

You should know what unit tests are and why they are important

You should have a good knowledge of essential data structures like lists and hashmaps

Onboarding Process

Submit an Application

Student Interview and AMA



Access to Calendar events, Slack & Course material

Day 1 of Class

Next Cohort: TBC


Course Fee


Pay Monthly  :

$1,300 per month x 2

8 x Weeks Lectures

8 x 1-on-1 Code Review & Mentoring Sessions

Tailored Homework

Access to the RareSkills Slack and Discord Community (Lifetime access)

Save 2% if you pay with USDC or USDT


Who is this for?

This is for programmers who are new to Web3 and want a cohort based introduction to smart contract programming.

What is different between this and the Solidity bootcamp?

This bootcamp is for people entering Web3 for the first time. The Solidity bootcamp is for engineers who already have web3 experience.

Is there career placement for this bootcamp?

No. You won't be competitive with applicants who have completed the more advanced Solidity bootcamp. If you really want to work in Web3, you need to complete our bootcamp. We actively help members of that bootcamp find jobs.

Is it online or in person?

Everything is 100% online at RareSkills.

How much time per week?

We estimate it will take most students 25 hours to complete each week of work.

Do I have to take this bootcamp before taking the Solidity bootcamp?

It depends on how new you are to Web3. If you are an exceptional programmer and want to skip this bootcamp, we will ask you to complete the assignments from this bootcamp on your own to prove you have the ability to handle the rapid pace of the Solidity bootcamp.

If I complete this bootcamp, will I be automatically accepted to the Solidity bootcamp?

It will depend on how well you do in this bootcamp. Our Solidity bootcamp is exceptionally challenging. If you have a difficult time in this bootcamp, you will be more likely to succeed in the Solidity bootcamp if you take some time on your own to work on some web3 projects on your own.

What is the structure?

There are two office hours held throughout the week. The first is where we introduce the next week's topic, and the second there will be group code reviews. Unlike our Solidity bootcamp, one-on-one code reviews are not part of this course.

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