AliasCheck and Num2Bits_strict in Circomlib
An alias bug in Circom (or any ZK circuit language) occurs when a binary array of signals encodes a number larger than the field element...
AliasCheck and Num2Bits_strict in Circomlib
How arithmetic circuits are used to verify zero knowledge proofs
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Groth16 Explained
Encrypted Evaluation of a Quadratic Arithmetic Program
Building a Zero Knowledge Proof from an R1CS
Quadratic Arithmetic Programs
Elementary Group Theory for Programmers
Encrypted Polynomial Evaluation
Elementary Set Theory and Abstract Algebra for Programmers
Why elliptic curve point addition in prime finite fields always lands on integers
Bilinear Pairings in Python, Solidity, and the EVM
Converting Algebraic Circuits to R1CS (Rank One Constraint System)
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ZK-addition-dapp with Noir and Nextjs
Zero knowledge programming languages