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 Solidity Developers 

at an 8% finders fee

(limited time)

RareSkills is the premier developer education community that services engineers as advanced as protocol leads. As the engineering graduate school of web3, we've helped dozens of professional solidity and blockchain engineers push themselves to learn even more than what they do on the job.

Our Alumni and Current Engineers From

Alumni and current engineers from Openzeppelin, Bancor, Compound, Polytrade, Panoptic and Consensys have studied at RareSkills. This means solidity engineers, not just people who did frontend or backend coding at the company.

Why hire engineers from RareSkills?

software engineer
Experienced Engineers

The median years of experience for RareSkills graduates are over 10 years of Software engineering.

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Global Talent Pool

We are a global company with students in every continent (except Antarctica). We can connect you with engineers close to or in your time zone.

Disciplined & Intellectually Curious

Students who complete our program (which is designed to weed out engineers) demonstrate above average level of discipline and out of the box thinking.

Success Stories from Our Alumni

Our students, from web3 technical founders to lead solidity developers, have seen tremendous success after completing our bootcamps. With over 8 figures of funding collectively raised by our alumni for their technical web3 startups, their achievements stand testament to the quality of our programs.

"Despite having five years of experience in Blockchain, I learned a great deal from it."

We identified and addressed security issues that could potentially occur in smart contracts, making the program all the more practical and relevant.

Adam Boudjemaa
Lead Blockchain Developer | Co-Authored ERC-3643 Standard | Built & Deployed 300+ Smart Contracts 

RareSkills is candid, sometimes brutally so

Because we charge students for admissions, we are under no financial pressure to place engineers in new roles to keep our company solvent.

We spent months working closely the students (through weekly live classes and 1 on 1 code reviews), we can give you more insight into their capabilities than any recruiter could hope to do.

If you read through our blogs, you’ll see the very direct and honest advice we give to engineers considering a career in blockchain.

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